Women, all you need to secure your bae

They say in this day and age its harder than ever to keep a man’s attention now as the ratio of single men to women is very uneven. And simply put, men are spoilt for choice.

Men are often visual beings so grabbing their attention with your appearance is the easy part but wooing them and keeping their attention requires far more work.

Have you found yourself wondering what to do to grab his attention? Then look no further, we have come up with our top 5 tips on how to woo your man.

1. Dress to impress

As we know men as visual beings so use this to your advantage. This is as simple as wearing outfits you know he likes or outfits you know highlight you features. Also always remember to take the time to do your hair and make-up, even for a casual day of hanging out. But don’t overdo it, not all men like women who look too far from their natural looks.

2. Switch it up

Learn what he likes and spice it up with a surprise for him here and there. For example, instead of waiting for him to plan the next date, why not take the lead once and book dinner at his favourite restaurant and cover the bill. Men like to be catered to as well, maybe not all the time but once in a while it’s nice to switch it up.

3. Cook for him

They say food is the fastest route to a man’s heart, so why not surprise him by cooking his favourite meal. Show him you’ve shown interest in his likes and dislikes by taking the time to make something you know he likes to eat.

4. Be friendly

If he introduces you to close people in his life, make sure to always be polite and friendly. Also, make connections with them and show him, you care about the people in his life.

5. Be affectionate

Let him know you’re into him and only him. Send those flirtatious messages and don’t be shy when you’re around him either.

These tips are sure to help you secure your bae. Let us know how you get on.