—Please choose an option—A Man looking for a WomanA Woman looking for a ManA Man looking for a ManA Woman looking for a Woman
—Please choose an option—AdventistAgnostic/NoneAnglicanAtheistCatholicChristianJehovahs WitnessMuslimSpiritualOther
—Please choose an option—Very religiousModerately religiousNot very religiousNone
—Please choose an option—AmpleAthleticAverageCuddlyCurvaceousMuscularSlimThickVery cuddly
—Please choose an option—5 1 or below5 2 5 65 7 5 105 11 or above
—Please choose an option—No children1 child2 children3 or more children
—Please choose an option—Doctoral degree/PHDMasters degreeBachelors degreeCollegeSecondary schoolOther
—Please choose an option—Not applicableSickle cell traitSickle cell anemia
to I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—Within 10 milesWithin 20 milesWithin 30 milesWithin 50 milesNationalWorldwide I can be flexibleDeal breaker
I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—AmpleAthleticAverageCuddlyCurvaceousMuscularSlimThickVery cuddly I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—I prefer them to have childrenI dont mind childrenNo children I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—5 1 or below5 2 5 65 7 5 105 11 or above I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—AdventistAgnostic/NoneAnglicanAtheistCatholicChristianJehovahs WitnessMuslimSpiritualOther I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—Very religiousModerately religiousNot very religiousNone I can be flexibleDeal breaker
—Please choose an option—Doctoral degree/PHDMasters degreeBachelors degreeCollegeSecondary schoolOther I can be flexibleDeal breaker
a) Lion Loud, big presence, intense, courageous, loves to have a good time.b) Dolphin Very intelligent, fantastic communication skills, values the importance of the group collective, family orientated, fun.c) Elephant Patient, good self-awareness, compassionate, intelligent, principled, lives a very structured lifestyle.d) Cat Independent, clean, can be very quiet and shy, a free spirit, sometimes withdrawn.e) Dog Loyal, playful, protective, perceptive, outgoing, enjoys praise.f) Bear Protective, smart, adventurous, eccentric, generally calm but can be aggressive if provoked.
a) Powerb) Lovec) Moneyd) Time
a) Yes I usually initiate conversationsb) I am happy to engage but I don`t tend to initiate conversationsc) I tend to sit back and listen
a) I am a risk takerb) I am somewhat of a risk takerc) I am only prepared to take really calculated risksd) I really dislike any sort of risk
a) Humourb) Physical appearancec) Personalityd) Generositye) Ambitionf) Success
a) Words of affirmationb) Physical touchc) Receiving giftsd) Quality timee) Acts of service
a) Words of affirmationb) Physical Touchc) Giving giftsd) Quality timee) Acts of service